Monday, June 23, 2008

June at the Junction in Port Angeles

It was a lively crowd at the Junction in Port Angeles last night for our weekly open mic/jam. Rudy (left), Paul and I held down the fort while Bill flew to unknown locations in the American Southwest. Lots of players, including newcomers Byron and Dirk, took the stage, and yes, there was lots of dancing! Johnny Mustang and George Snyder played blues and jazz with Stephen Farr joining us for a raucous "Wild Thing" that made the house sing along. The three of us tried out a "new" old song called "Walk Away, Renee," with challenging harmonies and "finger-pluckin'." Rusty(near left), always a good sport, remembered to bring sunglasses as part of our requested dress code and also played songs solo and with the band through the night. Next week the suggested dress code: crazy neckties!

Guitar Instruction Tip #24: You should carry more than an extra G string. Bring a whole set to your gigs or, at the very least, extra B,D, and high E strings. They also break sometimes!

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