Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Big Crowd in Port Angeles at the Junction and Rollin' Waters Performs

That's Bill, Rudy, and Paul relaxing at the Junction Jam/Open Mic last Sunday. Stephanie's family showed up in force, and we nearly got her brother Brent(see sidebar) to sing with us. Steve liked our harmonies on "Kiss Me Baby" and a few others. And, since it was the Sunday before Memorial Day, we played and stayed a little longer. No one was in a hurry to go home and that's how we like it. It 's amazing that Mary, the bartender, can serve so many people on her own. I hope she got lots of generous tips.

On Saturday, Stephanie and I played together for the first time in months (with the exception of a few songs at the Junction) at the Sequim Open Aire Market. A Rollin' Waters gig! Crowd response was very favorable, and we were reminded that we know lots of songs--it seems our tastes in music are very similar! Hoping for a return engagement soon. Pictures were taken and I'll post if sent one or two.

Guitar Instruction Tip#23: Don't neglect chord practice. Sure, it's fun to play melodies and solos, but you won't be doing that for the most part since the guitar is most often a rhythm instrument and that means chords. Quit messing around and learn those open chords this month! You'll need the F chord, too, so get busy!