Thursday, May 07, 2009

Wine on the Waterfront

Yes, it's been awhile since the last posting, but the weather and music are both heating up and there's a show at the WOW (Wine on the Waterfront) this Saturday with Bill and Rudy and featured guests Kelly, Cindy, Lambert and Laura. But that isn't all. Cindy Louder, Mike Pace, and I have sold out the Sons of Norway Hall here in Port Angeles for the Mother's Day Benefit event on Saturday afternoon. That's right; sold out! Alright, it is the Sons of Norway Hall, but still....

And that still isn't all. Stephanie and I are scheduled for the Farmers' Market on Saturday, the 16th, in Port Angeles. That's right..Rollin' Waters returns. More on that later.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Good Weekend

What a great weekend so far! Lots of people at the WOW in Port Angeles last night. In fact, SRO! Looking forward to the Junction tonight.

And, as you can see, another good night at the Junction with lots of fine musicians ensued. Live music is best!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Fun Times at the Junction Jam

Sure, it's an acoustic open mic/jam every Sunday, but it was an "electric" evening last night at the Junction Roadhouse in Port Angeles. Kim and Jason from Deadwood Revival made a long overdue appearance along with "Strider" and Kelly Hoch. Several members of "Thin Ice" also played for the large crowd of dancers and "singers along." Now that's the way to spend a winter's Sunday evening!

Sad news about the untimely death of long time local musician Forrest Rossaire brought forth song dedications and many well wishes for his family.

Guitar Instruction Tip #??: Get your left arm elbow off your leg when practicing sitting down, and sit in the correct position. Force your knees together if you have to, but avoid that lazy posture as it will cripple your playing progress. So many things to remember, but with practice, they eventually become automatic.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year Olympic Peninsula

The only bad thing about performing is that, at some point in the evening, you have to leave the stage. Most gigs leave me wanting more, and forget about encores-they're contrivances and pure ego in most situations. New Year's Eve at the Garden Club on Marrowstone Island was a very good night with dancing and of course, music. The crowd was a little grayer than last year but every bit as energetic and festive.
Home for Winter Break, the young people turned out at the Junction the Sunday before, braving a very icy parking lot (where is a bull dozer when you need one?). Live music is best!