Thursday, May 17, 2007

True spring weather this week on the Olympic Peninsula, and campers, hikers and birdwatchers get ready for Memorial Day Weekend. Port Angeles is a great place for walking when the sun shines and puddles dry up. Outdoor music venues like the Sequim Open Air Market are gearing up for the season, and my old group, Acoustic News, performs there on Saturday. I wouldn't be surprised if they've learned a new song or two. Later on in the summer, Rollin' Waters will perform at the Sequim Concert in the Park, and that will happen on July 3rd. More on that event later. We're getting ready for one of favorite gigs, and that is the Port Townsend Brewing Companing near the marina. We'll have Tom and Todd on drums and acoustic bass for that one. A lively atmosphere awaits all who come there on that Friday starting at 5:00 PM.

That's Bill next to Stephanie in the picture taken at the Junction a few weeks ago. New players show up every week along with our venerable musicians. We're there every Sunday and the gin and tonics (by Cindy) are still the best on the Peninsula!