Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Rain on the Olympic Peninsula

The rain is returning to the Olympic Peninsula this week. It never leaves for very long, however. The streets are wet and skies are gray. Normal. Election day has passed, and apparently few bothered to vote, and Jefferson County had more voters than Clallam County. Why is that? Different worlds in some ways except when it comes to music. A lot of musicians travel and perform between the two counties even though the rural miles are long, especially during the frequent rainy nights.

Here in Port Angeles Sunday night at the Junction got a boost from Cindy and Mike of the Soul Shakers when they revved up the crowd with rockin' blues. Even without electric guitars! In fact, the vocals were right up front where they belong. Very cool. Check the sidebar for pics of Phyllis and John who also lifted our spirits on another musical night at the Junction.

Last night at the Crazy Fish was really fun. Kelly wowed the large crowd with new songs and Dan Lieberman accompanied on my Stratocaster while Marty added harmonica. Cory was in fine form wth Rudy and Patrick playing the blues. Bill never fails to bring the dancers to their feet with his classic version of the Wanderer. Back in New Jersey, Dion is proud of you, Bill. Stephen added some jazz classics including Route 66 and Wonderful World. Teachers and firefighters-each out of uniform-made up much of the lively crowd.