Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fall and Spider Season is Here

Have you noticed how many spiders are around these days and did you know that spider silk or "gossamer" is one of the strongest materials? Well, now you do. There must be some good songs about spiders and if so, we should start playing them at the Juncton or Crazy Fish soon. I am trying to add a pic to this post but there seems to be some problem tonight. So, the pic may have to be loaded later in the edit mode. There's a whole bunch of new songs (actually old songs) to work on this week. I hope to have "Big Boss Man" ready to perform, if not tomorrow, then next week. We've been thinking up some cool ideas for "theme" nights at the Junction. Hmmm...I wonder if there are any Betty Page look-alikes on the Peninsula...

Guitar Instruction Tip #14: Find a song you like and practice singing it while playing. Don't wait twenty years to try this because you think you have no voice for singing. If nothing else, you'll learn more quickly how to accompany another singer(or yourself) which is what you'll be asked to do more often than not when playing in a band.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Jam City on the Peninsula

Bill's birthday....tonight! You bet we'll sing, and the plan was to have a room full of dancing girls to help him celebrate, but most likely that won't happen this year. Still, we'll have a terrific jam like last week as you can see from Patrick's smiling face (I think he was dancing with that girl from Retroville in Port Angeles). I think Vicki is baking Bill's cake as I type this entry. Yummm.

Yes, school has started and I, along with the other ruler-packin' disciplinarians are back at it in full swing. That doesn't mean there's less music jammin' and open mikin' on the Peninsula, expecially in Port Angeles and Sequim. Quite the contrary, in fact. Why, it's truly "jam city" these days on the North Olympic Peninsula, and the talent keeps showing up at the Junction, the Baja and Crazy Fish, to name but a few of the local live music spots. Had a chance to jam with Blackbird and a dobro-playing guy from Texas last night. Sidney and Noel can really belt out the harmonies. At times I thought we were channeling Crosby, Stills and Nash. Very fun evening. Cary plays a mean harmonica, too, and plans to join us for a Junction jam soon.

Guitar Instruction Tip #13: If you are an acoustic player and don't have a capo, buy one now (that means today).

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Port Angeles Electric Jam and Open Mike

Not very often, but every now and then we open up the jam/open mike to electrict instruments. And so it shall be this Sunday at the Junction in Port Angeles as Joe (pictured left) helps me host from Seven to Eleven. Of course there will be acoustic instruments including a banjo! Can't wait to try "Wagon Wheel" with a banjo.

Patrick joined me at Strait Music after my guitar lessons today to work up a few more acoustic songs for upcoming jams. Did you know he sings, too? I don't think most people know that!

Still working on the "poster" and it's slow going. With all those pics from the last several years I'm determined to get a finished product soon. In the meantime, rough drafts will have to do. If anyone knows of a good program to make posters please let me know.

Guitar Instruction Tip #12: Use a hard or medium flatpick. You'll get more volume and a better tone.